Friday, 13 March 2015

My Characters

The costumes I had initially planned for my main actress was sort of coming to live. I was quite proud of the make up I had done on her, this would successfully make the audience aware of the genre.

The costume and make up for my male supporting actor wasn't the way I had planned it. However after designing my costume mood board he understood that it had to be autumn clothing as it's Halloween season. For Halloween his costume wasn't scary but nowadays costumes are made to be more parody than scary.

My supporting actress didn't follow her costume mood board but wore cardigans to give the  autumn affect. Because she had delayed filming her costume wasn't right as I decided to film urgently. However I just compromised her Halloween make up and kept it simple.

Ancillary Text- Magazine Front Cover

This is a Slideshare of how I created my magazine front cover.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

audience feedback questions

Male or female

which product is better?

poster or magazine front cover?

Do they both match in design?

Would have you bought that?

Is it appealing?

Can you tell the genre?

Monday, 9 March 2015

More Trailer Research

15 second Trailer

In this 15 second trailer, there's not that much footage. It shows key scenes and screams to emphasis the importance of the little fly. Although it is 15 seconds there's so much happening and still includes all the features such as titles voice overs and release date. At the bottom of the trailer there's the film title along with the age certificate. This is quite simple and I'm inspired by the text at the bottom which I would like to include in mine. However I don't want a voice over other than a sound track.

 30 second trailer- In this trailer there's a lot of subtitles with one footage that's been edited quite fast. I believe this trailer will be the same as my actual trailer, the only difference would be that the trailer would be faster .

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

1st Draft

This is the first draft, half way through completion. It follows my narrative up to 34 seconds. From the previous draft I had published on here was quite basic and empty. I put in more pictures and edited in more footage that I thought I had lost. As you can see from the first draft I had changed the colour of the font from red to purple to keep the continuity of purple through out my product of trailer, front cover and poster.

In one of my footage; of the girl screaming, I didn't like the lighting which I would like to re film again if i have time. So in the mean time I just used Final Cut Pro filter called Hue/Saturation as it looks vintage and dark but in the future I will manage my lighting the way I way I want it to be shown on screen as I will achieve in giving the right connotations of horror. Another change that I have made in my narrative is the baby part, because I can't arrange a baby instead I just used a black screen with a voice over on top with a baby crying to make it realistic as possible as when babies are born they are heard crying at first.

This draft might not make sense that is because I sill have some footage to film and edit.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Film Magazine Questionnaire- Research

Film Magazine Questionnaire

1) Age? (Circle one of the following options please)
   15-17  18-20  21-24  25-30  31-35 36+

I gave a range of different options because I wanted to know which age is more interested in magazines and which age chose the price as I believed that 21+ in age would be working class (c2)  and could perhaps buy magazines for £8 but in actual fact people older than that age had chosen the price of the magazine to be between £2-£4 even after giving the questionnaires out to specific working class people, such as teachers.

2) M or F

3) Do you know of any film magazines? If so, which one?
  •  Empire
  • Sight & Saw
  • Total Film

4) Can you suggest me a name to call my magazine?
  •  The Scope 
  • Everyday News
  • Cinematic 
  • Pulse
  • Film Times
  • Films 4 You 
  • Gidişli (Trending)
  • HD Films
  • Reel
  • Groovy Movie 
  • Reel To Reel

5) At which price would you buy the magazine for?
  • £2- £4
  • £5-£8
  • Non above

6) What are your usual reasons into buying a magazine?
  •  Cast And Crew
  • Locations 
  • Special Effects 
  • New Film
  • Free Gifts 
  • Interest In Films
  • Fashion/celebs/gossip and products
  • Front Cover 
  • Articles
This Question really helped me because I will keep in mind how to make my magazine effective and appealing, I have already decided that my free gift would be posters. 

7) Would you buy a film magazine based on a horror film?

8) Do you prefer a digital magazine or a hard paper copy?

This question helped me into deciding whether to create a digital magazine or a hard paper copy as this research has told me no matter what age you are, 80% of the people like hard copy. As I had stereotyped that perhaps older people would like hard paper copy because they can't keep up with technology. 

Thank you for your time