Monday, 26 January 2015

Research; Film Magazine Questionnaire

Film Magazine Questionnaire

1) Age?

2)          M           F

3) Do you know of any film magazines? If so, which one?

4) Can you suggest me a name to call my magazine?

5) At which price would you buy the magazine for?

  • £2- £4
  • £5-£8
  • Non above
6) What are your usual reasons into buying a magazine?

7) Would you buy a film magazine based on a horror film?

8) What would you like to see in my this film magazine?

9) Do you prefer a digital magazine or a hard paper copy?

Thank you for your time

Although it's personal, I've chosen to ask about age and gender because it will help me judge on the price as it will define which age belongs to a social group as they choose the price. I've also asked for magazine name suggestions because I can't think of any.  I gave them a list of prices because stereotypically, I know that teenagers would choose the low price and adults who are possibly employed would choose a high price. Also question 6 might sound weird but what I meant was that sometimes the audience choose the magazine because of what's featured or sometimes they're just a regular customer. Question 9 will tell me which age range commonly use web 2.0 and proliferation.

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